What grind of coffee should I use in the X-Brew? How do I brew the best possible coffee? What grind of coffee should I use in the X-Brew? How do I brew the best possible coffee?

What grind of coffee should I use in the X-Brew? How do I brew the best possible coffee?

The coffee lovers in the office (which includes almost all of us) had a great time researching the answer to this question.


According to our evaluation, a medium grind works best for pour overs. The grounds should be coarser than espresso grounds, but finer than French press grounds. A little experimentation should produce the perfect setting.


If you find that the water drains through the filter of the X-Brew too quickly, remove the filter mesh from the base of the X-Brew and flip it over. You will find that the water will drain more slowly, resulting in a stronger cup of coffee.


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